
#1 – An Email Opt-In that is above the Fold

Email remains the best way to capture leads from visitors who are not interested in buying your product or service right away.

Make sure your email opt-in form is above the fold. The further down it is on the page, the less likely it is to attract attention. Always use a genuine “bait offer” that provides something useful to the visitor for subscribing. Similarly, your auto-responder series should consist of quality content that encourages them to stay subscribed even if they are still not ready to purchase.

#2 – More Images, Videos and Human Interaction

People love the feeling of connection and believe it or not, even a simple image of a person enjoying your product or a personal video walk-through can provide that feeling of connection. Using more images and videos allows you to build a deeper relationship with each visitor. This not only enhances your brand but it increases conversion rates too.

Aside from building a connection, images and videos are also easier to comprehend. Website visitors are likely to skim your content but when you’re using images and videos to highlight the most important parts, they see all the good stuff. With an article and traditional content, this will often be skipped.

#3 – Show Credibility

You want your visitors to feel comfortable and confident in your brand. One way to do this is by showing your credibility. You can use the logos or testimonials of companies that have worked with you and used your products or services. By displaying this on the homepage, visitors are much more likely to trust you and take note of the brands you have worked with. It builds instant credibility.

#4 – Shorten the Process

Whatever your process is, shorten it. Whether you are capturing emails, selling a product or selling a service, the checkout process should be short and easy. The less you require of the user to complete the sale, the more likely they are to follow through. We all hate filling out surveys and the last thing you want is to make a customer feel as though they are being surveyed before buying something. Don’t ask too many questions, shorten the checkout process and try to keep things simple.

#5 – Don’t Forget to Upsell

By using upsells and product add-ons you can sell similar products to your customers at the time of checkout. Amazon does this by recommending related products and products that are often bought with the ones in your cart. This is a highly effective strategy that will increase overall profit for your business.

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